Do tawny owls hibernate
Do tawny owls hibernate

do tawny owls hibernate

They can be rufous-brown greyish-brown with the mottled plumage, finely streaked, and with dark vermiculation (more commonly seen in the eastern part of the bird's range) or lighter grey and white (in the northernmost parts of their distribution). These owls exhibit geographic variation in color. They have large, rounded heads with no ear tufts. They are lowland birds in the colder parts of their range, but can breed at higher altitudes. Tawny owls are frequently found near human habitation (for example, in central London) and in the winter can be found nesting in abandoned buildings and rock cavities. While sometimes found in mature conifer forests as well, they prefer mature broadleaf trees, such as ancient oaks with large holes for nesting. Tawny owls live in open, deciduous, or mixed forest or woodland, agricultural areas with trees, parks, cemeteries, and large gardens, preferring locations with access to water. There are 11 known subspecies of tawny owls: Strix aluco aluco in northern and central Europe from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean and Black Sea, Strix aluco mauritanica, from northwestern Africa from Morocco to Tunisia and Mauritania, Strix aluco sylvatica, in western Europe including Britain, Strix aluco siberiae in Central Russia from the Urals to western Siberia, Strix aluco sanctinicola in western Iran and northeast Iraq, Strix aluco wilkonskii from Palestine to Northern Iran and the Caucasus, Strix aluco harmsi, in Turkmenistan, Strix aluco bidulphi, in northwestern India and Pakistan, Strix aluco nivicola, from Nepal to southeastern China and south to northern Myanmar and Thailand, Strix aluco yamadae, in Taiwan, Strix aluco ma, in northeastern China and Korea. ( Lack, 1986 Ramsay, 1923 Snow and Perrins, 1998 "Tawny Owl Strix aluco", 2005) Though they are nonmigratory, they have been found wintering in Morocco and, rarely, in Egypt and the Balearic and Canary Islands. It is native to the British Isles and is commonly found there, except for in northern Scotland. Strix aluco can be found across the Palearctic Region from the Iberian Peninsula to as far east as China and Korea and south to Iran and the Himalayan mountain range.

Do tawny owls hibernate